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Grupo Solaer is a group of companies operating in the field of renewable energies. Since 2004, the group has designed, developed and built solar photovoltaic, solar thermal and biomass installations, creating wealth and added value, carrying out projects in the renewables sector for itself and for clients. Solaer focuses on solar power as a clean and inexhaustible energy source which has seen significant growth in recent years as a result of increasing social and political awareness in our society. The company has a young, yet well-established team of more than 70 professionals, one of the largest and most qualified in the sector. We are committed to training and innovation. In implementing these solutions, the fact that grupo solaer is currently made up of different companies which specialize in the technological areas listed below has been significant.<br>
• solar photovoltaic<br>
• solar thermal<br>
• biomass. <br>

Contatti Solaer

Ragione Sociale: Solaer
Indirizzo: Via Rodolfo Redi 70124 Bari

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